Today’s blog post is about a program called Collusion that
is available for download in Mozilla Firefox.
In the video I watched from, Gary Kovacs is concerned about all
of the tracking because there are so many websites tracking him, which he has
not even visited. He is also concerned because they are building online
profiles about us by the websites we visit, and using our personal information
unauthorized. When websites track us, in my opinion, they are building our
profiles to sell to companies to put more ads on the websites we visit. They
will do this to, in a way, lure us onto their website to get us to purchase
their products. But tracking could also be good because we can figure out how
to block, or disable the unknown websites and put a stop to all the trackers.
Again, unknown websites tracking us could be dangerous, because they will know
all of our personal information and if they were to be hacked, any person could
have access to personal information, and potentially steal our identities. When all the dots from tracking websites
appeared, I was surprised because there were so many tracking sites from
visiting just one website. If I got Collusion, I think I would have a lot of
dots because I like to discover new and fun websites to use, read blogs, and
get on Pinterest a lot. Overall, I am quite surprised at the amount of tracking
sites that track us, and like to use Collusion to see all of them, and to keep
track of them.
What kind of art does Katie Rogers make? Is there any famous art by him/her?